Ways To Make Extra Money In Your Free Time


Ways To Make Extra Money In Your Free Time


Do you want to make some extra money? Making money is hard. And when we say “hard,” what we really mean is “impossible.” But that might not be the case! The world of free-time work has come so far in the last few years. It is with more and more people finding side hustles and part-time gigs. This eliminates some of the usual stressors from a job. These could be office politics, dress codes, and being forced to make eye contact with your supervisor—and let you make extra cash on your own terms. Here are some ideas for how you can use those flexible hours to bring in some extra cash:

Ways To Make Extra Money In Your Free Time

Ways To Make Extra Money In Your Free Time


Tutoring is one of the easiest ways to make extra money in your free time. You can tutor any subject in person or online, in one-on-one or in group settings. Just about anyone can tutor and you can do it from your home or a public space.

Sell your crafts online.

Selling crafts online is a great way to make some extra money. You don’t need a lot of experience or special equipment to get started, and you can do it from home. It’s also not a lot of work for the amount of money that you’ll be able to earn.

There are many different types of crafts that people sell online, including handmade items like jewelry, clothing, and glassware; hand-painted artwork; photos taken by other people (like weddings); scrapbooking kits; custom-made cards; gift baskets full of food items (like chocolate dipped strawberries) or other specialty items (like candles).

Sell Your Pics

When you’re taking photos, you’re capturing moments. You can make extra money by selling your photos to stock photo sites. These sites will pay for your images. And many of them allow you to upload your photos as many times as you want.

There are also companies that need specific types of photos for their websites or advertisements. This is a great way to earn extra cash because the demand for these types of images is always high.

Even if you don’t have any experience in this area, it’s easy enough to learn how it works by reading up on the subject and doing some research online so that you know exactly what kind of pictures are needed by these companies before submitting anything just yet!

Write for someone else’s blog.

It’s not hard to make extra money writing for someone else’s blog, but it does take some time and effort. First, you’ll need to find a blog that will pay you for articles. In most cases, this means having your work published on an established website or content network like The Huffington Post or Medium (and paying them for the privilege). Once there, you can start pitching article ideas and submitting drafts of potential stories or articles—or if they have a specific section where they accept guest posts from freelance writers like yourself, they may even hire you directly.

Once your submission has been approved by the editor(s) of the site/content network in question and published online, they’ll send you payment through PayPal or check (if applicable). To make sure this happens without issue, always follow up after submitting something with editors. So that there are no misunderstandings about when payments will be sent out; payment terms vary considerably depending on each individual situation.

Take surveys

Taking surveys is one of the best ways to earn extra money in your free time.

Most survey sites offer cash and rewards for completing paid surveys. But some will only pay you with points that can be redeemed for prizes like Amazon gift cards or iTunes gift cards. You might also be able to trade your points for cash, but it’s not guaranteed.

Some survey sites will require you to have a minimum balance of 1 dollar or more before they’ll let you withdraw it from your account. It means you’ll have to wait until your balance reaches 1 dollar before getting paid by the survey site. That’s why I recommend using PayPal if possible. Because they don’t have a minimum withdrawal amount and they allow instant withdrawals as long as there are no restrictions on their end (which rarely happens).

Freelance design

If you’re the type of person who loves design, marketing, and coding, then freelancing may be a great option for you. The only problem is that most people are not good at all three of these tasks. Many companies will hire a freelancer to do their marketing because it’s cheaper than hiring someone full-time. But if they don’t code well or understand how to make their website run smoothly, then they aren’t getting the best service possible from the person they hired.

The key to being successful in any business is knowing what your skills are and playing to them as much as possible. If you can do everything yourself without having someone else build your website or market it for you, then by all means do so! But if there are areas where you lack expertise (or time) then consider outsourcing those responsibilities. So that none of your potential clients are disappointed with what they get out of using your services.

Make Extra Money

Another option is to not work at all

Another option is to not work at all. If you’re looking for a way to spend your free time that doesn’t involve trying to make more money, the best thing you can do is find ways to get paid for doing nothing.

There’s a lot of pressure on millennials these days because they’re so used to being busy all the time. It’s easy for us to feel like we need something more from our lives than just spending time with friends and family. Or, doing whatever we enjoy most in our free time. The good news is that it doesn’t always have to be about getting ahead professionally. Sometimes it’s just as important (if not more) that we take care of ourselves mentally, physically, spiritually, and emotionally.

Rent Out Your House

Renting out your house is probably the easiest, most straightforward way to make extra money. You can start with a few rooms and build up to an entire home. You don’t even have to sell it—you can just rent it out for short-term stays between tenants.

The amount of money you can make from renting out a room or house varies greatly depending on location, amenities, and how much work it needs before it’s ready for renters. But generally speaking, if you want to make $1 million in annual income from renting out your home then you should expect around $12k per month in income (assuming 20% occupancy). If you’re looking for more reasonable goals then try aiming for roughly 10% occupancy at first. This will still bring in around $7k per month!

Become A Tasker

Taskers are people who complete tasks for a small fee. They are usually not full-time employees, but they do have a specific skill set and may be able to work from home.

For example, taskers can be freelance writers or editors, virtual assistants who manage personal or business projects for clients, researchers who find information on the internet and compile it into reports (like this one), computer software testers, and beta testers who test apps or websites before they go live to make sure there are no bugs in them and so on.

Take Surveys Online

Online surveys are a great way to make extra money and they are very flexible. You can do them while watching TV, while you are out of the house, while you are at work. Or even while you are doing other things (like driving). The only thing that is required is that you have access to the internet wherever you go. Once you start making money from online surveys there is no limit on how much cash you could end up with by taking surveys online!

Become A Freelancer

Freelancing is a great way to make extra money, and it’s much more flexible than most jobs. You can work as little or as much as you want to, depending on your schedule. And the work itself can be anything from writing articles for websites to designing websites. If you’re not sure how to get started freelancing yet, here are some tips:

  • Figure out what kind of work you want to do first. So that you can start looking for clients that need it. This will help narrow down your options considerably. A good place to start is by researching popular niches on niche sites like Reddit or Quora and trying to find out what kinds of skills are in demand there. For example, if people keep asking about how they can become better writers but no one has answered their questions.
  • Once you’ve figured out what type of freelancer you’ll be (writer? designer?), look at sites like Upwork which allow people all over the world do various kinds of jobs remotely. The main benefit here is convenience—there won’t be any commuting time involved with getting paid! Plus this way other people might actually pay attention when they see how many hours someone spent working on something rather than just seeing how much money went into making something happen (which isn’t always fair).

Proofread Papers From Home

Proofreading is a skill that can be learned, and it’s easy to do at home. You can get paid by the word, hour, page, or project. Proofreaders often work for editors or publishers who hire them to make sure that the book they are publishing is grammatically correct and free of spelling errors. Proofreading jobs are available from job banks or online classified websites such as Craigslist.

Become An Uber Driver

If you have a car, and you’re looking for a way to make some money on the side, Uber is a great option. You can sign up to drive for Uber and be your own boss. You’ll work when you want to. So there’s no set schedule. A big perk if you have another job or are going back to school. If even driving isn’t something that interests you, there are plenty of options within this job category as well!

You’ll get paid weekly through direct deposit or by check via mail; however, other companies such as Lyft offer cash payments immediately after each ride ends. The pay rate varies depending on where in the country live: For example in Manhattan it’s $2 per mile with an additional $0.25 per minute spent waiting around plus tips!

You can make extra money doing things you already do.

As you can see, there are many ways to make extra money. You can do it part-time or full-time, and you don’t need to be a professional to get started.

One of the easiest things you can do is keep track of your time and then sell what you’ve learned. For example, if you are an avid gardener and have created a few recipes for homemade cleaning products, consider selling them at the flea market or online. You could also use your knowledge about budgeting or debt reduction as an expert source for radio interviews—and even write a book about your experiences!

The possibilities are endless when it comes to making extra cash in your free time!

Ways To Make Extra Money In Your Free Time


Now that you’re aware of all the opportunities available to earn extra money, take some time to think about what you’d like to try. If you’re looking for a way to make some extra cash on the side while maintaining consistent working hours, a part-time job could be right up your alley. If your schedule is already packed with other activities but you still have time for short-term projects, consider becoming an Airbnb host or renting out your car through Turo. Taskers who work through Amazon Home Services and Rover dog sitters can choose their own assignments and set their own schedules based on availability. Finally, if you have a flexible schedule or access to technology when traveling is an option then Uber drivers or virtual assistants might just be the perfect fit.

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Entrepreneur | Blogger | Growth | Mindset

Hi, I'm Dhillon!

I am the author of “The Great Lifestyle”.  I’m here to inspire future generation Entrepreneurs and Creators who would like to:  Start a Blog from scratch, create extra sources of income, work from home ideas and become a successful figure doing so!

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